Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunset Agnihotra: Exhibit at UP Los Banos

Preparing for Agnihotra...
some orientation

Sunset Agnihotra, day 1

sunset day 2

Agnihotra day 3

Agnihotra day 4

Agnihotra event in Los Banos Laguna (UPLB)

A four day exhibit fair entitled "Quantumizing Agriculture, Seed and Food for Earth and Human Healing...and...the Science of Ancient Filipino ways" was held at UP Los, Banos last September 29-October 2, 2009.

The announcement says as follows:

Why the Exhibit-Fair

A unifying approach to food, seed, agriculture and health has been available at the quantum level. This must be known and spread if we are to meet the challenges in a creative yet highly effective way. This exhibit is a strategic and continuing effort, to nurture the seed of transformation that had been planted a few years back in the academe (Seed Fair 2005).

The Challenges:

People are asking serious earth or cosmic level questions… in relation to daily lives.

Students are feeling the divide- learning in the classroom?, or learning outside the domain of classical education.

Universities are feeling the pressure to meet new impulses: millennial students or generation-me (“y” or “I” gen); emergence of network universities; challenged “life-force” of the academe.

The environment is getting unpredictable and harsh to its inhabitants.

Humans are feeling afraid, cynical and apathetic; helpless in the midst of strong dehumanizing and earth threatening forces.

The science of “quantum” that has come in past few decades has yet to be seriously and consciously tapped to help address seemingly gigantic challenges.

Expected gains:

A form of a WILL exercise for students, an awareness raising of “positive news”, of information relating to initiatives that greatly impact agriculture, the seed that greatly defines it, the food that results from them, and incorporating “quantum” concepts into the content and process.

A form of networking with the community, and a strategic microcosm, exhibiting simple yet quantum “solutions” to interconnected problems of existence.

Documentation of the event was prepared in several power points. These may be available upon request by sending your email to

Photos of sunset agnihotra during the event are posted in the blog. ^-^

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Testimony from Shalom Villalva (Agri 121 student/ Student Assistant)

My personal experience was that agnihotra does something in my body that I cannot fully explain.

It was in our class in Agri 121 (Ecological Agriculture) that I learned about this thing. At the very first moment when Mam Pam introduced this agnihotra to us, I felt so excited! It was very new to me that I wanted to experience practicing such mantra/ritual. It's healing effects also added to my enthusiasm.

I remembered one time in our class, Mam Pam brought a jar of ashes and gave us some to use to boost our energy. I was so excited. When I went to the apartment I took a little amount of it, put it in my mouth and then I drank water. The effect was this, I felt dizzy... dizzy but hyper. I was so on that I laughed so hard and have had this energy to do things (actually that was during my application period to a certain organization here in UPLB) spontaneously.

When I got home, my father had this strong back pain. I had agnihotra in my bag so I used it. I mixed a little amount of it with ghee (the result was like an ointment but black/gray) and then I rubbed it on his back. His first reaction was "why is it warm sha?" and he was smiling/laughing. He was sweating actually. That time I assumed, the agnihotra's effect was in an instant, quantum indeed!

In december 24th 2009 we went to our province in Marinduque. My grandfather had this sever cold and he kept on coughing, good thing I had agnihotra. I did the same thing as what I did to my dad however, instead of using ghee I used efficacent oil/ointment. The effect was different, he had small itchy spots on his back. I realized, ointment isn't good with agni because both of it is "hot". Thus, I recommend use only ghee when making agni ointment. ^-^

At home I do personal agniing, either in the morning or in the afternoon but I feel better when I do it in the morning. Actually, I had this experience at home after a morning session, my brother took a picture of me and of the stairs... there were lots of orbs/round energies around me and around the stairs. It was so COOL! I will upload the pictures don't worry. ^-^

Lastly, my family aren't really comfortable with consuming agnihotra ashes because of the thought that it is "cow manure/cow dung" but I'm so hard headed... hehe, everytime I cook at home, I mix a little amount of agni in rice or in any viand... they actually assume its pepper... so they unconsciously consume it wahahaha!

Agniing really makes me feel better and it adds happiness to our home! I wish that anyone who reads this blog will also be inspired to practice agnihotra. ^-^

That's all for now. ^-^

Thank you for reading!!!

- Shalom

Testinony from Peter Jerome B. Del Rosario an Agri 121 C student of Mam Pam

Agnihotra really has QUANTUM EFFECTS! When I read the handouts about agnihotra, I was fascinated with how it works! My eldest sister suffer in epilepsy for almost 15 years. It was two weeks since my sister started drinking the ash. We mixed the ash with coffee or juices for her to drink it. After 2-week observation, we noticed that she only experience epilepsy attacks once in the day. Before, she have 2 epilepsy attacks whenever she have menstrual flow. We are hoping that after many weeks. my sister will be completely healed.

As to its quantum effects, whenever I come in the house after school or after washing the clothes, I always feel energized some minutes after unlike before. I always feel this "easiness" and "relaxation" entering my body. I addition, my mother also tried to drink the ash, mixing it with water. That night after she drank the ash, she felt the healing going upwards from her "puson", then to her head. She felt as if every nerves of her brain are being massaged. Well. I read that the energy of agnihotra really goes upward. The next day my mother felt easier.

I hope that agnihotra will continue healing my sister and everyone will be encouraged to experience its wonder.

Agnihotra is a gift from God!

-Peter Jerome Del Rosario