A four day exhibit fair entitled "Quantumizing Agriculture, Seed and Food for Earth and Human Healing...and...the Science of Ancient Filipino ways" was held at UP Los, Banos last September 29-October 2, 2009.
The announcement says as follows:
Why the Exhibit-Fair
A unifying approach to food, seed, agriculture and health has been available at the quantum level. This must be known and spread if we are to meet the challenges in a creative yet highly effective way. This exhibit is a strategic and continuing effort, to nurture the seed of transformation that had been planted a few years back in the academe (Seed Fair 2005).
The Challenges:
People are asking serious earth or cosmic level questions… in relation to daily lives.
Students are feeling the divide- learning in the classroom?, or learning outside the domain of classical education.
Universities are feeling the pressure to meet new impulses: millennial students or generation-me (“y” or “I” gen); emergence of network universities; challenged “life-force” of the academe.
The environment is getting unpredictable and harsh to its inhabitants.
Humans are feeling afraid, cynical and apathetic; helpless in the midst of strong dehumanizing and earth threatening forces.
The science of “quantum” that has come in past few decades has yet to be seriously and consciously tapped to help address seemingly gigantic challenges.
Expected gains:
A form of a WILL exercise for students, an awareness raising of “positive news”, of information relating to initiatives that greatly impact agriculture, the seed that greatly defines it, the food that results from them, and incorporating “quantum” concepts into the content and process.
A form of networking with the community, and a strategic microcosm, exhibiting simple yet quantum “solutions” to interconnected problems of existence.
Documentation of the event was prepared in several power points. These may be available upon request by sending your email to pamela_g_fernandez@yahoo.com.
Photos of sunset agnihotra during the event are posted in the blog. ^-^